
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a....

I promise I will figure out what to give away and choose a random winner from all the girl-guessers this week. Really.


The Hiller Family said...

Lovely! It will be cheaper this way! You are all set for girls!! :) Congrats! Glad you finally found out!

Cheryl said...

Yay! I was right! Congratulations. Ditto to the first comment.

Choosy mom said...

I was right!! I knew I would be right because 1. it is a trend that whenever I have a baby of a certain gender everyone I know has a baby of that gender too. For instance when I found out Jif was a boy, 12 of the 13 babies born in my nursing class were boys too. And then 2. When the ultrasound tech said that she saw boy parts and 3 lines I knew that those 3 lines were a girl with an umbilical cord that she was mistaking for boy parts. And then 3. I was hoping you had three girls, because I grew up in a family of three girls and it was fun! Congrats!

Denise Faulkner said...

how fun!!! the nice thing is you guys want to have a lot of kids so you have more chances to have a boy right??
i always wanted more sisters:)
Does Jason get to pick the name again and not tell anyone?

Stephens Family said...

Oh, I'm so excited for you guys! I love having 3 girls - it's the best! (And yes, just like your more recent post, even with 3 girls from the same parents, you'll find that they will all be SO different. And that's what makes it fun!) Congrats again!