
Friday, April 24, 2009

I wanna get away

Jason and I are pretty lucky, I know it; we've gone on lots of trips with our families since we've been married (including two cruises and a Disneyland trip). BUT... we've never been on a family trip just the four of us. And I think family vacations are important. I have great memories of the vacations my family went on when I was a kid (yes, even when my dad made us take pictures in the same places and poses as we had the year before. "Ok, now Katie, you have to cross your arms and look grumpy and bored, just like you did when you were fourteen...")
So I have to figure out where we can go. Our destination must
  • Be within twelve hours driving ('cause I don't think I could handle any more with two little girls)
  • Have relatively inexpensive activities and attractions that appeal to toddlers
Wow, that's not very many requirements. So that should make it easy for all of you to think of some good destinations for our family! Post a comment with your ideas.


Janice said...

Vegas is a great place for families. You could go camping in southern Utah.

Jen said...

You know...Laramie is a GREAT vacation spot. I promise!! And it is definitely within 12 hours!

Debbie Crandall said...

Hi, Kate!

When Luke was little, we spent a lovely week at an Oakland city family camp up in the mountains. I loved it because all our meals were cooked by someone besides me, Luke had other kids to play with, and lots of fun camp-like activities, the three of us spent every afternoon down at the river (safe for wading), and a great time was had by all. I guess it doesn't quite qualify as a family vacation with just the 4 of you, but... I'm sure there are LDS family camps in Utah -- or try one in Colorado -- I know there's one run by the YMCA in the Rockies that has private apartments, a central dining hall, and lots of fun activities for the whole family.

Camping can be a chore with little ones, but when Luke was 2 and we went to Southern Utah, he loved just playing in the sand or riding in the backpack. The tent itself was a great thrill for him. We went up Zion Canyon in the river (an awesome experience), wading in water up to our thighs between 2000 foot towering red cliffs. Luke was in the backpack, and kept begging us "Dip me down! Get my feet wet!!"

Debbie (your aunt in CA)

gjan said...

St. George - free condo, free swimming, cheap mini golf, parks, sand dunes, hiking, etc.